Toyota vs…Toyota? Camry Hybrid takes on the Prius


Guy walks into a Toyota dealer — sounds like a joke so far, right? Not quite.

Guy walks into a Toyota dealer looking for a 2008 Toyota Prius. He’s heard about hybrids for awhile now, and the Prius is one he knows by name. He vaguely recalls some celebrity bragging about taking one to the Academy Awards instead of a limo, and then there was that South Park episode, “Smug Alert” a couple of years back. And didn’t Al Gore’s own son make headlines for getting busted doing 100 mph in his Prius?

Something like that. Beyond the hype, Guy’s never really given hybrid cars much thought, much less gone looking for one. And even though he can afford a decent-size car or SUV, the price of gasoline has him looking for fuel economy in a serious way.

And there on the showroom floor, Guy sees a 2008 Toyota Camry Hybrid for almost the same amount of money as a Prius. Now what?