Residential Water Fuel Cell Energy System (2 of 2)

A conceptual model of a very efficient (possibly over-unity) energy system for the home. At its base, is the water fuel cell, which acts as both a high-efficiency water electrolyzer using no catalysts, but acts also as a fuel cell, when combined with the Electron Extraction Circuit (EEC). In this combination, the water fuel cell produces an electrical current by extracting the free electrons that are thrown off once the hydrogen & oxygen atoms are broken from the covelant bonds of the two H atoms. Both a charged gas, called HHO (or hydroxy gas), and an electrical current are produced with the water fuel cell. The HHO gas is a fully combustible compound that is perfect for combustion applications. Most internal combustion engines can be modified to burn it, however I chose the quasiturbine in this design, because if it’s efficiency & simplicity. I left out a compressor aft the water fuel cell, as the quasiturbine must run on compressed gas or other fuel, such as steam. The rest of the schematic is modular, and I imagine the alternator could be 350 KW, if powered by a 5L, 500 HP Quasiturbine, which should run well on the water fuel cell running in a continuous closed loop mode. The water supply would occasionally be replenished by tap water, or the system could operate using grey water. In addition, the water fuel cell can be used as a water purifier.

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#026 C5 MadStu’s Water Fuel Cell – Starting to Build

I’ve started to build Cell 5, it’s casing and also the bubbler which will be on show – easier to show people that I tell about it then – the bubbler will sit behind the grill, in front of the radiator in a clear acrylic tube.

It all looks good, although not unique – I lovingly ripped off ZeroFossilFuel’s design of the case and cell – particularly the acrylic covering idea – although I chose a much better colour! 😉 Take a look…

My eventual goal is to power my van off of water – by extracting Hydrogen out of the Water and feeding it to the fuel mix chamber.

Hydroxy Browns gas HHO HOD Hydrogen On Demand Water Powered Van Experiment MPG Increase watervan madstu MadStu new record fuel cell H2O H2 mix

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hydrogen fuel cell 13 liters a min —–must watch

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Water Fuel Cells to Take Us Into the Future
Stanley Meyer was determined to do something to protect his Country from Oil Embargos. Meyer is reputed to have said that if you run out of “Gas” (water), and dont have any freshwater, then use snow, if you don’t have any snow, then use saltwater, because saltwater doesn’t have any adverse effects on the fuel cell. Meyer claimed that he could run a 1.6 liter Volkswagen Dune buggy on water instead of gasoline. He replaced the spark plugs with “injectors” to spray a fine mist into the engine cylinders, which he claimed were electrified at a resonant frequency .

Cars that run on water are still, technically, hypothetical. There has not yet been a car created that truly uses only water as its source of fuel. Cars emit a lot of dangerous chemicals that shouldn’t be in the air. We’ll need to find another way to turn the Hydrocarbon that’s stored underneath the ground in the form of Oil and coal into clean energy though. This is where HHO and a old technology of electrolysis of H20 becomes HHO.

HHO gas is converted from water , a catalyst, and electrical current. Water for gas is often the claim. HHO devices for cars are starting to get noticed and there is much talk about them in automotive forums. This technology has even been brought up in the news for improving gas mileage so there are people who are using it with success to increase gas mileage. HHO is highly combustible. We recommend use of a “bubbler” between the HHO generator and the connection to the intake on your engine. Installing the hydrogen generator on my car had an unexpected result: the torque got bigger and the fuel costs drop with around 60% . Its a very easy to use system that doesnt require technical experience. Install a water fuel cell in your car. This is maybe the best way to get a better fuel economy. There are many so-called experts selling various things online, so we put together a Water Fuel Cell Kits Review website, with additional free ebooks to making the right choice. Happy mileage!

Tom Faire, has decades of experience taking things apart and putting them back together. He is a true reverse engineer. He has created a review website about converting your car with a water fuel cell to run on water and gas.
Water Fuel Cells to Take Us Into the Future


Editorial: Hydrogen-Powered Fuel Cell Cars · Alternative Energy
We the people now understand the benefits of hydrogen-powered fuel cells after the Congress of the United States has bestowed its benediction on the system HowStuffWorks “How Fuel Cells Work” · Energy Industry
You’ve probably heard about fuel cells. In 2003, President Bush announced a program called the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI) during his State of the Union ..The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Institute
A portal to Hydrogen Fuel Cell clean energy. Access to the latest in Fuel Cell news, research, company profiles, investment information, and the Wilder-Hill … Directory:Hydrogen – PESWiki
Now a Canadian company has created a hydrogen fuel cell system that can power ….. Creating Hydrogen With (Very) Hot – New technique could produce pure … Platinum Nanocube Makes Hydrogen Fuel Cells Cheaper And More Efficient · Alternative Energy
New Cost-efficient Method For Creating Portable Hydrogen Fuel Cells (June 29, 2007) — A new paper published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society … Hydrogen vehicle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia · Environment
ENV is developing electric motorcycles powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, including the ….. Recently, alternative methods of creating hydrogen directly from .Warm welcome for house powered by hydrogen fuel cell | Environment …
Although creating the hydrogen from gas does produce some carbon dioxide, using the fuel cell cuts overall household emissions by 40% … EERE: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program … · Energy Industry
Oct 30, 2008 … Includes educational resources on the role of hydrogen in meeting future energy needs. From US Department of Energy.

HHO Generator HVDC4

Production test of new dry cell with 120VDC at 10 amps. Distiled water with a mix of K2CO3 and KOH without any additional capacitors hooked to the cell on the test with the video. Did one test right after the video with the 2200uf capacitors hooked to the cell and with the voltage on the cell at 120VDC I had a voltage going into the Bridge rectifier on 108VAC at 9.0 Amps and still made 12 seconds with 1 liter of HHO gas.

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80 MPG with HHO Generator using a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Kit Ford Probe

Water Fuel Kits Click Here

HHo fuel cell explosion

Ran this HHO fuel cell on 12 volt -worked well. Ran at 150volt & cell drew more current than internal connections could handle. Wires got red hot & ignited HHO gas. Now we use larger gauge wires, fill HHO cell to the top(less HHO gas inside cell)install a pressure release valve & any new test is done with open top fuel cell(HHO will dilute into air-harmlessly).
We learn from our mistakes.

Driven By Water – Part 1, Hydrogen Generator

Build your own hydrogen generator!

This is part one of a series of videos teaching individuals how to build their own hydrogen generator.

This video covers the housing type to use as well as the cap for putting together a very simple hydrogen generator.

HHO, Brown’s Gas, Water4gas, build your own, water/gas hybrid, convert your car, save gas, electrolyzer, hydrogen generator