Here is the same 5 plate Hydrogen Fuel cell in a GE water filter from Home Depot. I PVC glued the unit to avoid gas leaks and have a fill valve on top.
Here is the same 5 plate Hydrogen Fuel cell in a GE water filter from Home Depot. I PVC glued the unit to avoid gas leaks and have a fill valve on top.
I don’t know where your getting your infromation but it is incorrect. Much rather, with electircal cars, prototypes took too much time to charge up, only drove about 30 city miles before you had to recharge the battery and more importantly, the battery needed constant replacing. Hydrogen powered cars are much more enviromently friendly. Plus with a hydrogen car, it spits out pure water ( H2O ) out of the tailpipe instead of carbondioxide.
Hahahahaah … so, what s the big deal here?? Is just a plastic box with some electrodes in it! This is nothing but a “stupid” electrolysis, which has been already discovered in the 1800s. Maybe in Gringolandia, it is revolutionarily new, hihi, that’s why you can sell this shit there for $4,495.00. The current that is used to fraction the H20 into H2 and O2, comes from the battery, which is charged by the alternator, which is driven by the engine. You waste precious energy. Nothing else! Hahahah
the enviromental + of adding hydrogen to internal combustion engines. my statictics are a 90% reduction in tail pipe emissions. If we look at the economics of utilizing this technology world wide we can greatly benifit
i heard hydrogen was impractical and not energy efficient.that it took way more energy to make hydrogen.i think a more practical way would be electrical powered vehicles
what kind of metal do you use for the plates all my metal rusts away in a matter of minutes
some people have a site tube on the side or you can just look inside .Mine i only check 1x a week and i add about 1/2 cup of water.
true its not safe unless you are smart about it.I made a mistake of blowing up a.5l Drinking water bottle and lost my hearing for 3 hrs. No ear protection when lighting off hydrogen is bad its a Different Pitch in explosion then lets say propane gas.
hahah you are not debunking anything . its plates in side the container which has a electrical current flowing threw it which separates hydrogen and oxygen form the water .Learn something before posting bull crap.
Exactly A booster producing 1lpm will make a big jump in your MPG .These people who SPEW The math behind it does not have all the facts. My booster which is based off Smack design makes a 40-44% increase in millage on my v6 3.3l van.
hey amigo, i’m just saying this vid isn’t saying anything on the matter — i’m not debunking the issue itself
Wise up ya twat! Do a small experiment with a 9 volt battery, 2 pieces of steel and a lighter before slandering peoples work! There are hundreds if not thousands of people all over the world splitting hydrogen from water.
Every utube vid relating to hydrogen extraction has posts from those who apparently know better factually explaining how it won’t work. So I went out and tried a crude design to see for myself. And my MPG went from 15 to 24 in my beat up 15yr old carb jeep! And this was mostly city driving. I used to pass all this all off because I focus on facts based on long, free chemistry lessons from the comments. There must be undiscovered properties of hydrogen that is not explained in our science books
gas is highly explosive
FRAUD : it’s an air pump. This vid is an attempt to confuse you on the water fuel engine issue.
excuse me can you send me the interior cell or how to make one by me self mex_boy6@hotmail.
i dont think this can be all that safe people creating their own highly explosive chemical powered cars. thast just me thought though
are you stupid?
New technology no longer requires compression to store hydrogen efficiently. Go on google and type in New Hydrogen Storage Technology. The hydrogen tablet is safe and inexpensive. In this respect it is different from most other hydrogen storage technologies. You can literally carry the material in your pocket without any kind of safety precaution
What,or should I say who’s system do you have installed?I also believe that they work.
Like I said I got buddy with a Ford Taurus 08, it has a digital read out, and it use to say 23.3MPG average, when he installed the hydrogen fuel cell, now it the digital read out reads 38.2.. So yeah its noticeable. I hate people who just come here, and shoot down anything and everything because they haven’t got the balls to try it themselves. It don’t cost nothing to do, and its easy. It makes the gasoline you’re burning, burn more efficient plus adding onto the fact its giving extra gas.
It does work, and don’t disprove me when you have never even tried it. It works, in fact theres people out there that have perfected this so much that it gives about 70mpgs. That is great, the main thing is the electronics that some of the newer cars have, telling your car how to handle the added fuel. Its bacon soda, and distilled water, my buddy has one setup on all of his vehicles, and one of them is an 08 Ford Taurus which measures mpg through the CPU, and the gain is even seen.
Bullshit. Sorry, this will not and does not work. I hate gas prives like the next guy, but to be so desperate to claim false results and cost people time and money to try it themselves is just wrong. Its very inneficient to generate hydrogen this way, and consumes more fuels then just burning the gas alone.
Why are people so infatuated with the minuscule bubbles! Let me make it simple you need not the small infrequent bubbles to be big frequent bubbles(1Litre@(x)psi every 5ms) to make an awesome difference … i think ….
Big bubbles would be cool, lots of big bubbles … then BOOM! You forgot about the ventilation issue of your house/garage …. you get the point.
at a gas saving cost, it works awesome. I have a buddy who does this, and its great. It even works on Diesels!
What safety pressure release have u installed, BE CAREFUL, YOU COULD BE KILLED IF IT EXPLODES.