John Kanzius’ Water Fuel Cell

John Kanzius Water Fuel Cell/Cancer Treatment

John Kanzius, while researching a way to treat cancer & other diseases, stumbled a across the same principal as Stan Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell. Unlike Meyer’s device, which uses submerged stainless steel electrodes in a common feed stock of water, Mr. Kanzius’ device doesn’t make contact with the water — it pulses relatively low energy across an area, such as the human body, which is made of mostly water, or across a test tube of salt water. The salt in the water helps catalyze the process (by increasing the conductivity of the water).

The device can also be looked at as a water capacitor. Water is the feed stock and the pulses (electrical & radio waves) disassociate the hydrogen & oxygen atoms by magnetically stretching apart the atoms through constant magnetic excitation. Parallel plates, or circular or spiral electrodes or transducers all have the ability to tap energy from the quantum flux field. When these devices are used with water such as John Kanzius’ device, the energy from the quantum flux field is tapped into, then trapped by the water, turning it into a charged gas of diatomic & monatomic hydrogen & oxygen atoms, in a mixture of hydrated electrons. When combusted, the plasma implosion/explosion forms back into pure water. The plasma gas is a stoichiometric blend that is perfect for combustion applications.

This device behaves very similarly to Stan Meyer’s Electron Extraction Circuit (which uses lasers), and is the key electronic mechanism which makes his device a true water fuel cell, because the EEC produces an electrical current. The transducers, which face each other, vibrate a high radio frequency (in the ~20KHZ-200KHZ region). The power is low enough not to cause bodily harm, so is perhaps less than 200 watts. Since there is little if any heat build up between the working transducers, the excess energy exhibited with the Brown’s gas can not be traced, thus pointing to the quantum vacuum as the source of free energy.

John Kanzius’ device may be the same explanation for the technology behind the Segway inventor, Dean Kaman’s newest invention, the WATER PURIFIER.

Although John Kanzius’ device has made recent news including on the Colbert Report, it must also be noted that this technology has been around the medical pioneer field for a bit longer. To see a similar technology for treating cancer using microwaves, please see the Sterling Allan PES interview with Joel Fallik (on 06-07).

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25 thoughts on “John Kanzius’ Water Fuel Cell

  1. mattimber says:

    You don’t want to store HHO gas. It’s way too volatile. Compressing it is also a bad idea. (BOOM!) You really want to use it on demand. A similar device like this can be seen in many hydroxy boosters now used to improve gas mileage for cars & trucks. You can also build an HHO generator that can create enough HHO gas from water to run a car or truck on and use no petroleum at all. Google: panacea paul zigouras to see an example of such a system.

  2. Alcyone53 says:

    …and that’s OK as long as the energy to produce the wave is generated by solar or some other renewable energy source. The gas can be stored, which equates to storing the solar, until needed.

  3. Alcyone53 says:

    Please explain how a fridge is an over-unity device. I hold that electrolysis is not over-unity. It is using a given amount of energy to crack the water molecule, which now has a high potential of energy in the HHO gas. Just like it takes a certain amount of energy to retrieve oil out of the ground so it can be usable. Using a rez frequency to crack water will increase the gas production, which will make that process viable for us to use & replace petroleum.

  4. Alcyone53 says:

    Ethanol can be made with solar (to heat the mash), or other “waste” material, can be used to burn & heat it. The wrong way to produce ethanol is to use petroleum or some other “fossel fuel”.

  5. lovelyirene2001 says:

    Kanzius better not sell his invention to some corporation, especially to an oil or motor company that will just keep it in storage in order to protect their petroleum profits. He can build up his own company using his exclusive patent on this marvelous invention and let those greedy oil bastards run for their money or he can spread it all over the Net for all to use and screw those corporate & Mid East SOBs!

  6. mattimber says:

    Don’t be so quick to dismiss over-unity & don’t confuse efficiency with coefficient of performance (COP). Solar energy is a form of free energy, & contributes to the COP of an solar device. A fridge is an example of an over-unity device. Consider the quantum vacuum or radiant energy as an energy source (like solar is), then this contributes to a device’s ability to be over-unity & make free energy.You’re not creating energy, but merely grabbing it from nature & converting to usable energy.

  7. Alcyone53 says:

    I agree, no over unity here. This could be a source of energy to replace oil. We could use solar to produce the electric for the process, then store & distribute in gas form. Solar isn’t going to run out anytime soon.

  8. Alcyone53 says:

    I dont believe there’s an “over unity” occurrence here. If it takes a certain amount of energy to fracture the water molecule & by this separation the hydrogen will produce more heat energy than what was required to fracture the water, then what we are seeing is the same occurrence as when we drill for oil. There’s a certain amount of energy expended to drill & more energy is released via the oil than was used to get to it.

  9. ScreminFlea says:

    Just out of curiosity, what are you basing that claim on? I have been unable to find anything that indicates how much power is required to produce this effect, or how much is harvested from a given amount of fuel. I’d really like to know, but I can’t seem to find the information anywhere.

  10. LordTiahuanaco says:

    Not necessarily, somehow the modulated RF energy seems to be tuned to the NaCl crystalline structure thus acting as a pyzo transducer generating harmonics sympathetic to the H2O molecule, thus breaking the hydrogen bound at a very low cost in energy and producing lots of hydrogen to burn. We have to stop thinking in a linear symmetric “conservation of energy” fashion. So yes I think there is over-unity output involved here. Very efficient systems are often of resonant technology…

  11. policeman1313 says:

    Truth is his cure for cancer has more potential than this discovery. It takes more energy to create the flame than the flame actually produces.

  12. guymark says:

    A fascinating discovery – and one which might have some potential use – but hardly free power.

    If you are putting 300 watts of energy in, you need to be getting AT LEAST 300 watts back out again to even “stand still” – and that assumes the transmitter is 100% efficient too.

    With all these “scientists” on the job, I am surprised, we haven’t been given the efficiency ratio – could it be that it isn’t a magical over-unity device after all?

    As I say, impressive but….

  13. mattimber says:

    Check out the videos I have: “Water Fuel Cell by Xogen” (or see xogen (dot)ca. My schematic video (most popular on my channel) has a link to a PDF that shows a lot of sources. Also, there’s plenty of alternative (conventional and cutting edge/free energy) at freeenergynow (dot) net. Also, Google search “Matt Imber” and you’ll find a letter I wrote about this subject in the context of an energy plan to mitigate global warming.

  14. Shootermaster540 says:

    im doing research and want to know a new source of alternative energy that i can present to my resoure teacher

  15. cuke8466 says:

    Yes any auto alternator should be able to produce 300 watts. The amount of gas he was producing was minimal for that input. Those using brute force electrolysis are getting better HHO output with 300W. It is a good idea though. A new method to explore. With the right refinements, who knows…

  16. edkins1 says:

    300wats are ok to produce it by car. See, your car is using light bolbs 100w each :)) And that energy been wasted away, mate.

  17. edkins1 says:

    generator is configured to generate an RF signal having a frequency of approximately 13.56 MHz.
    Its from his patent guys.. try it.. But not sure what is the watts of that. I found that at least 600W, but if you look closer hi is placing his test tube between RF senders wich have quite big space between them. So wattage might be lot smaler.

  18. cuke8466 says:

    Normally yes but this process has a lot of kinetic energy involved in it. All those H and O atoms flying around and bumping into water molecules and sodium and chlorine atoms cause them to vaporize into the gas mix which gives it some color.

  19. cuke8466 says:

    This process is not at all like the Stanley Meyer process which places the water in an high voltage state, causing the water molecules to fall apart due to a lack of binding electrons. The Kanzius process excites the oxygen atom in the water with RF energy (13.561 MHz). The water molecule essentially spins itself apart. The charged sodium ions repel or attract the resultant atoms separating them enough to prevent reformation of the water molecule. The processes are completely different.

  20. cuke8466 says:

    300 Watts in, and obviously not 300 Watts out. No free energy here. Google for a document titled “Observations of polarised RF radiation catalysis of dissociation of H2O-NaCl solutions” for more detailed information.

  21. xykor2 says:

    Exactly– what is the power input into the radio transmitter, and how much energy is the transmitter using as opposed to producing?
    Tell me that and then maybe we can be impressed, otherwise it is like the ethanol catch 22- you need to burn fuel to make the ethanol too.

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