Pulsing Hydrogen Fuel Cell – Resonant Charging Choke Concept

Just trying to go over some concepts that Stanley Meyers had related to his patents regarding the Resonant Charging Choke. Which is basically Telsa’s BiFiler Coil Design.

Which basically is how to connect the WFC to the bifilar coil for maximum efficiency and if you have higher resistance and impedance than the WFC you can inhibit amp flow and allow voltage to go to the maximum.

25 thoughts on “Pulsing Hydrogen Fuel Cell – Resonant Charging Choke Concept

  1. recbo says:

    Iron core, your welding rods, are inefficient there. Have you looked at Lindemann, Bedini, et al for core materials that do not permanently magnetize like iron? You could trap back emf better if the material would give up the energy. I will go back and find the material. It is leftover from some metal refining process, and you would cast it using epoxy to form your core there.

  2. prototype9000 says:

    stanley meyer also in his lectures spoke of raising the voltage to 1000 or more volts to let the voltage do the work and the voltage will resonate by itself in the capacitor in the water his cells were also round mabe ill try myself when i get the time

  3. 96cobramustang says:

    sir hoax I have ran across a video that you have to see about resonance and electrical current being multiplied masses.You seem to be sharing info so I thought you needed to see this……………

  4. GentleManSteve65 says:

    Stan said plates wouldn’t work with his invention. That might be why your not getting the right HHO output

  5. GentleManSteve65 says:

    I wonder if people know why Stanley meyrs had a lot of Patents. He was closing the market on doing electrolysis his way so he came up with patents to make sure somebody couldn’t come in and change one thing in his patent and start using and patent it so he had multiple patents so people shouldn’t change his patent in one way or another.

  6. flipster12000 says:

    reverse the polarity on your negative side of the bifilar coil. it will make a huge difference in your cell.

  7. itsmrdavid says:

    Hi, I appreciate all your videos.

    I just have a comment on the diode:
    The “work” it’s doing is passing current. There’s no work in blocking.
    I’m not sure what type you’re using, but many have like a 0.7v drop. Much like a resistor, it will dissipate some power, and get hot.

  8. valveman12 says:

    What is the PIV rating of the diode? If it’s heating up a lot, you may be going over the PIV rating.

  9. evolution2015 says:

    Hi sirHOAX, i was wondering if you could help me.
    i want to build the Meyer resonant circuit but i am having trouble finding these capacitors
    would you know where i can order them from.

    100mf 16v electrolytic
    47mf 16v electrolytic
    10mf 16v electrolytic
    1mf 16v electrolytic
    220nf 0.22 mf ceramic or polyester
    100nf 0.1 mf ceramic or polyester
    10nf 0.01 mf ceramic or polyester

    thank you

  10. nowplanb says:

    Oh yes, I forgot. No electrolyte, just regular water, and elements were 2 tubes of stainless, one inside the other, at a .0045 inch gap between the inner tube and the outer tube with a few escape holes around the bottom part of the outer tube, all in a p.v.c. pipe bomb of sorts-(water in, h.h.o. out).

  11. nowplanb says:

    I downloaded his part of his manual once, but had a bad internet connection. But, I remember, he said the circuit should produce 1000v d.c. pulsed at 100 pulses per second, amperes only in the milliamps, so a car inverter only produces about a tenth of the voltage and a million times too much current.
    Good luck my friend, and keep it up. Be careful.

  12. cribcat1 says:

    Already tried A.C. with a microwave transformer with no elyte solution in distilled water. It heated the transformer well.

  13. davidvasha says:

    Take out the diode. The diode was there to mislead and to not to be duplicated. Try without a diode and find a transformer.

  14. cribcat1 says:

    theoneagain, There are thousands of people working on this, it will happen. This is the information age, it will be free.

  15. cribcat1 says:

    Very interesting. Are you using a programmable logic device or an op amp? Or a dual 555…for the osc/pwm.

  16. slider1860 says:

    also if you look at Meyer’s patent he has a variable inductor on the bottom side of his cell. This was part of a phase lock loop circuit that kept his circuit in resonance.
    Hope this helps get things started. Wish I knew where SirHoax has been.

  17. slider1860 says:

    Prodeckman. Do a search on Google for a series LC resonant circuit. This will explain better than I can do here. You want to try to achieve a frequency of 40-45khz then you need to find the capacitance value of your cell with h2o and no electrolyte. Then with the resonant LC formula you can figure what the value of L needs to be. The caveat is that the value of C or “your cell” changes with HHO production and content of h2o impurities.

  18. slider1860 says:

    SirHoax, Are you still working on this?? I have not seen anything new for some time. Man I think that you are close. I think that we can get there for here. Post something if you are still here.

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