26 thoughts on “Stan Meyer – Water Fuel Cell

  1. RUNyourCARwithWATER says:

    Water engine system is perfect.
    1. It saves money
    2. It helps to keep ecology clean.
    3. It gives more energy.
    4. It is not explosive, so it can save life.
    5. It is just better than gas.
    I have full instructions on how to convert any car to run on water.

  2. RichardE8ST says:

    It takes a lot more power to produce Hydrogen than the energy the hydrogen produces as a result.
    Notice he claims low amp’s but he doesn’t mention the voltage. Multiply volts times amps to get total power, and it’s in the thousands of watts.
    There have already been lawsuits against Stan Meyer by investors, and he lost. He was ordered to return their money, but most of them didn’t get a dime back before he died.
    Many scientist have tried cold fusion and failed, this is simple electrolysis.

  3. QbanNewWave says:

    the worst part is that soon, someone else will come and claim credit for this invention when the shit hits the fan for the US energy crisis.

  4. honda650dsp says:

    Stan Mayer has MADE a hydrogen generator to power a car!! no matter how bad the media and text slaghters this mans inventions, he was the one who did it. He had led lights inside the generator that he claimed did something, maybe he was hiding something, none the less he gets a whoo hoo from me for making a car run on water. Go Stan!

  5. grandtomatoe says:

    He wanted to protect his county … haha .. then the black government murdered him … and we all have sat on our asses and havent done a damn thing … now look at where we are…

  6. Ecurrie84 says:

    it works off the hydrogen in the water, electricity brings hydrogen and oxygen from the water,

    type “whos killing the hydrogen car”,

    it is Bob Lazar showing exactly the same but he tells you how it works, and shows you.

  7. OnenessNow says:

    One day soon, Humankind will awaken to the beauty and harmony when the solution is sought with Love in our hearts. Beloved Stanley Myer.

  8. RichardE8ST says:

    He has his car packed with batteries to power the electrolysis. There are a lot better ways to build an electric car. Do you really think this guy can disprove one of the most basic facts of science. Einstein knew a lot more than this guy, you can count on that. He is definitely a fraud.

  9. ceriman says:

    You fell for the scam and you think I’m a moron? Look in the mirror, buddy!

    From electricity, electrolysis to fuel an internal combustion engine to the wheels is less than 8% efficient. It takes 14 times more electrical power to make the fuel than all the power the engine could produce! It couldn’t power a car, it couldn’t even power itself!

    Simple conclusion: It’s a fraud, and the engine runs on a hidden fuel tank.

  10. MrsRandomMadeMeDoIt says:

    jus cus he dosen’t have the ”education” dosen’t make him a small mind hes used his entire life studying. so get ure facts straight b4 YOU speak up ….

  11. sorn11 says:

    People need to shut up and do their research: watch?v=eb9urNUFzAM

    As usual, people don’t take the time to investigate, what then attempting any practical work themselves.

  12. hybridfuelkits says:

    Stan Meyers water car has fueled conspiracy theories for some time. The arguments over whether the technology was fraudulent of not goes on.

  13. listigt says:

    fact is this runs on eletricity, not water. It uses water in the process…just so that he can say that it runs on water…but it doesn’t…so it’s basically just a unefficient eletric car, eliminating the water from the process would be more efficient…some idiot just linked this video to me as a “good solution for oil dependency”…moron. Btw loads of these cars have been coming up through the years, search for cars that run on water or something..hoax hoax HOAX

  14. s4jt says:

    Seriously are people really this stupid?

    If his story held water (no pun intended) journalists allover the world would dive headlong (once again, noo pun intended, I swear!) into this shit in the conquest for journalist glory.

    There’s no fucking conspiracy. The only conspiracy here is the conspiracy itself.

  15. LastCynicStanding says:

    This is one of the most simple circuits ever patented. If you reproduce and attempt to market it you will be killed. There is no theory anymore sheeple. There is only history and the present and we make the future with our actions. Good Luck to you and your neighboor.

  16. s4jt says:

    That car did NOT run on fusion, don’t be a moron.

    I severely doubt that an uneducated hillbilly could come up with something that the rest of the world’s educated scientists haven’t.

    You can cry conspiracy all you want but fact remains, there was no proof ever produced that the car actually worked.

  17. Envir98 says:

    When he tested his machine in Ohio court in 1996 (two years before he died) It was found to be a fraud. He was sued by two major investors who found his machine to be a fraud. This is all a matter of public record including the pattents: They don’t work. Think about it: How could a man who isn’t a chemist, or an engineer come up with machine that most major auto companies couldn’t even develop until the 2000’s? Use common sense. He is a con artist.

  18. briphillips29 says:

    stanley myers cleared the patent office when he showed/tested his cell to the patent office because of to much hydrogen. the manager screamed to everbody in the building not to light a lighter or match!he was issued patents on the spot !how could it be proved in court that it didnt work when he died 2 years earlier! all they did was try to discredit something that works just to make you and i pay more at the pump years later!

  19. MichaelJPierce says:

    I like how a lot of tech is coming out all of a sudden for hybrid. When using a soley hydrogen system would be cheaper and more powerful than fossil fuels. Hydrogen has a higher burn rate than fossil fuels, so to get the timing correct to work in a system you have to mix hydrogen with a non combustible gas.

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