Hydrogen Fuel Cell Kits and Instructions – How To Convert A CAR To Use WATER As Fuel – Cars Running On H20 Run with H2o Hydrogen Fuel Cell – Alternate Car Energy Sources Fuel MPG Gas Mileage Saver Device Saving

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HHO Gas Hydrogen Generator Demo Unit

This is an original demo unit we used when we first started developing and testing on-demand hydrogen generation systems. It uses SS drains and creates incredible convection currents along with a decent gas production.

#111 EBN Sealed wet cell kit, New HHO generator

Repost of previous vids, combined two parts down to one. This is the Energy Builders Network prototype cell scheduled to go into production in kit form very soon. We’re just working out the details of the bubbler which will have an automatically reseting blowout mechanism.

Boeing’s Fuel Cell Powered Airplane

For more info see http://www.fencecheck.com/forums/index.php/topic,15749.0.html Ok, ok, here’s more info: Boeing Research & Technology Europe (BR&TE) in Madrid, with assistance from industry partners in many countries, has flown a manned airplane powered by hydrogen fuel cells, a first in aviation history. A Dimona (a.k.a. Katana) motor-glider with a 16.3-meter wingspan was modified by BR&TE to include a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell/lithium-ion battery hybrid system. Three test flights took place at the airfield in OcaƱa over February and March. During the flights, the pilot climbed to an altitude of 3,300 feet ASL using a combination of battery power and power generated by hydrogen fuel cells, then flew straight and level at a cruising speed of 62 miles per hour on power solely generated by the fuel cells for approximately 20 minutes.

2008 Chevrolet Equinox FCEV Fuel Cell


Not an hour after my chat with Tom Williams, another driver of a 2008 Chevrolet Equinox FCEV as part of GM Project Driveway, he leaves a message on my cell phone:

“When I drove up to downtown L.A. from Orange County today, I got 60 miles to the kilogram. I don’t know about you, but I love that.”

It’s the kind of excitement I’m used to hearing from truly motivated Prius owners. By any standard, the hydrogen-fueled Chevy Equinox fuel cell electric vehicle qualifies as alternative-fuel exotica, as rare and fascinating as it is expensive and impractical.

You can call it the 2008 Chevrolet Equinox FCEV (FCEV as in fuel cell electric vehicle), but this is no production vehicle. Only General Motors knows what it costs to build these SUVs, but each of these prototypes is probably worth the equivalent of 10 Tesla Roadsters.

For the next 72 hours, though, I’m going to drive our Chevrolet Equinox FCEV test vehicle like it’s an ordinary, ,000 Chevy Equinox LTZ. Of course, the FCEV’s 150-mile range prevents me from leaving the green dreamland of Southern California. A Chevrolet dealership will probably never be more than five miles away, and specially trained OnStar advisors are waiting to take my call.

As a participant in the hydrogen-powered GM Project Driveway, I even have my own Driver Relationship Manager. She tells me I can call her cell any time, day or night. Not even my mom wants to talk to me that often.