One site—Is-Water-4-Gas-a-Scam?&id=990753
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Why Hydrogen when we have Electric?
Why are we spending billions to develop Hydrogen fuel cell cars, which is a big unknown, when we have the technology to develop better and more effiecient Electric cars? Zero emissions car available, TODAY! Tesla motor was able to make a car to go 250 miles on a single charge. Image the possiblities if we invested further money into the technology and rid ourselves of the dependency of foreign oil. Energy concerns can also be addressed with new developments from solar, wind and water sources. With Hydrogen cars you are dealing with unknowns and there's no way of telling when they would be ready for production. Even when it is ready, how are people going to get the hydrogen fuel. I'm sure the big oil companies will be more than happy to control the distribution on that as well.
Alternate fuel options for future vehicles?
It seems that the much touted hydrogen fuel cell won't be the savior that we once thought. It costs a lot of money to manufacture hydrogen, and it requires burning coal, which creates pollution (at the factory, not in the car), plus they can't store enough energy to make the car go over 50 mph. So what are we left with? Electric cars have same problem-storage batteries aren't sufficient to power a car for long periods of time. Solar power seems impractical (what if it's cloudy or raining?) and anti-matter is so expensive to produce it's nothing more than a pipe dream. So what will we use to power our cars in the future? Magnetic levitation? Nuclear fusion? Some technology on the drawing boards we haven't seen yet?
Which Harley Davidson motorcycle uses Flex Fuel?
Does anyone know if Harley Davidson has a motorcycle that uses flex fuel or ethanol? I live to ride and ride to live but I care about the environment as well.
I am also looking into using a hydrogen fuel cell but would need to figure out how to use a gyroscopes to stay upright.
Any ideas?
What about alternative fuel motorcycles?
Would you be interested in bikes that run on E85?
What about one that runs on biodiesel?
What about one that runs on a hydrogen fuel cell?
What about electric or other than can be fueled with solar?
Or will you ride gasoline and only gasoline bikes?
Is hydrogen fuel-injection more potent than hydrogen fuel cell?
What is the energy difference (energy output) in hydrogen burning in a fuel injection (combustion) engine and hydrogen used in producing electricity in hydrogen fuel cells? Gasoline power is stronger.
BMW has made a hydrogen fuel-injection based car, meaning this is not a hydrogen fuel cell, but the same engine used for burning gasoline, but now it burns hydrogen instead. The car is found here.
What I am wondering is, that if hydrogen gas when burned is the same potent as gasoline, then shouldn't a fuel injection engine be more powerful than a fuel-cell electric engine? My particular interest if the two are different energies (battery cell vs. hydrogen combustion). If hydrogen combustion produces more horsepowers, then that extra energy could theoretically make up for the 30-40 percent energy loss in making hydrogen.