This is a very large container, If you want one custom made let me know. Most people use PVC . I used this one so you can see how well it works.
New HHO Generator
finally finished after a month of hard work, if anyone has any suggestions on how to better it comment and let me know thanks for watching
Hydrogen Fuel HHO Cell High Amperage Testing Method (Shunt)
This is our homemade shunt for running higher amperage tests in combination with our hho-cell. Everything here can be store bought at Home-Depot, Lowes, or just about any hardware store.
It is a hacksaw blade being used as a ‘shunt’ to measure amperage through our hho-cell. This in-fact will give us the ability to measure much higher amperage through our sensitive test equipment. The shape of the blade also gives great advantages for cooling with a heavier load.
Multimeter Reading:
About 0.1V at 5A for sensing
You might have to calibrate your own figures based on different style and/or manufactured hacksaw blades.
Best method for calibration would be to take something of known Wattage. We used a 12V-50Watt Bulb, and used that for verifying the output in millivolts. Works really well if you ask me. Hope this helps someone out there make their tests that much more viable.
Thanks for viewing my videos..
Regards, sirHOAX
Ultimate Hydrogen Generator “Hydro Hybrid” 20 Cell HHO Gas Saver
Hydrogen Generator installation video
Installed in a Toyota Camry
stan meyer hydrogen water4fuel HHO electolysis stainless steel electrolyte generator.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell HHO – Car Enclosure Install Nissan Altima
Water Fuel Cell Ebook Click Here
Here is the enclosure being made to be permanently installed in my 1998 Nissan Altima 2.4Liter Engine Compartment.
Took me a couple of hours to throw the parts together, just wanted to make sure everything was in tight so there was no room for vibration loosening things up.
Please take note of the placement of the HHO-Cell, right above the exhaust header. That is why if you also notice, we installed a galvanized heat shield right below the enclosure. Just to make sure this doesn’t become an issue when we try to calibrate our heat inside the hydrogen cell.
Regards, and Thanks for viewing my video..