One thought on “What type of fuel will be best for car companies?

  1. BioHazard says:

    hybrids: god no
    natural gas/hydrogen: live electrical system. live electrical system + explosive gas + accident = big boom
    fuel cells: way too expensive right now. possibly after electric
    electric: by a wide margin, eventually. we'll probably switch to biofuel first. more later
    steam: seriously? why burn fuel to heat water to drive a turbine to generate electricity to drive the wheels? if you're going to burn something, don't waste so much energy on water, use as much as possible to drive the wheels
    extra options:
    biofuel, probably biodiesel. already infrastucture to support it, engines to burn it, and mechanics who can fix the engines
    gasoline: plenty of oil for the next few decades, and by then, we'll have other technologies and infrastucture to support them, as well as a public willing to accept them

    back to electricity: once this stupid country puts up a few nuclear power plants, electricity will be zero emission, low-cost fuel. and by then, we'll have better batteries for more power and range. and to anyone saying wind/solar, it won't work. it's too expensive and ineffecient to serve as a permanent, long-term energy source on any level

    edit: uhh, Tristannnnn!!, gasoline and diesel are both made from crude oil. if we run out of one, we run out of both

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