I switched the hydrogen generator from the 6cyl GMC Sierra to my Suzuki Baleno year 2000 engine:4 cylinder 1.8 liters. This is a TEMPORARY setup just for pwm testing and for experimenting with different electrolytes.
I was getting about 500ml per minute with 15 amps
*will be testing soon after i replace the wiring I am using house wire and i will be replacing it all with high grade automotive cable.*
i don’t know where u live but what do u do in the winter??? wouldn’t the water freeze when it got below 0 degrees??
I bought the pwm on ebay
I am looking to buy a pwm, could you tell me where you bought yours?
Keep up the great work.
el pwm lo instale adentro de la cabina del vehiculo todavia no he hecho un video al respecto pero si te digo que no lo vuelvo a hacer asi porque me costo muchisimo trabajo para el proximo vehiculo voy a montar el pwm en el area del motor y solo tirare cables para el potenciometro pero tienes que tener cuidado q no calientes el pwm much porque se quema
el pwm lo instalaste asi o lo pusiste en una caja negra para protegerlo. yo tengo uno y no lo e instalado aun pues no se si puedo dejarlo asi sin la caja.
The relay is connected to the feul pump so the hho cell will activate when the engine is running the car runs on gasoline HHo only enhances the mix for a better burn.
is connected to engine your fuel pump?
and your engine work only on HHO gas or and on benzine ?
is connected to engine your fuel pump, and your engine work only on HHO gas or and on benzine ?
I am not rinnug my cell on 30 amps im running it at 15amps the pwm is rated for 30 so since it has a high rating i can use it at 15 amps and it wont burn out on me if i were to use a 15 amp pwm it would fry because i would be constantly using it at its maximum rating. if you have any higher rated pwms than i will look into them.
You dont need a 30 amp PWM for the size cell your running, your wasting power and drawing more on your alternator for no reason. Peace.
Pues mira Jan la produccion en litros por minuto es .5 litros por minuto aproximadamente para 15 amperes no esta TAn mal pero puede mejorar con otros platos y otro seteo. No tengo el esquema de el PWM en forma digital todavia pero te lo hare llegar lo compre por EBAY y es en base del IC LM324. todavia estoy en processo de insalar el prototipo asi que los resutados los pondre luego.
hey thats great but one worry about those pwms is that they are very limited 15 amps max isnt flexibe enough for me these cells can easily draw 30 amps if your not carefull and yu will burn out your PWM 15 amps is ok on the cell and with a 30 amp PWM runnig at a 15 amp is comfortable.
I have 2 PWM’s left at my site if anyone needs one! eliminategas(dotcom it’s a 15 amp PWM.
Cual es la produccion en litros por minuto.
Si es que la calculaste ya.
Tienes un PWM muy eficiente, puedes pasarme el
esquema del circuito?
Es en base al IC 555?
Cuando tengas resultados en % de rendimiento
Lo pones por favor, te deseo muchos exitos.
Santo Domingo
Contra yo no supe de eso sino iba.
hola! Estuviste en Ponce ayer en la “feria energetica”?
yea it takes time and thought into making these units the best they can be not to mention some green, but once you surpass all the difficulties in the end the benefits will be worth it
keep up the good work. i never seem to have the time to work on mine and never have any money. but it sure is fun watching people build them. im getting close. maybe next week ill get it in my van.