Here is a quick demo, as requested, on how to construct a cell and how flammable the gas is. Hope it explains enough. I have a better video coming but still want to wait till my latest cell is complete.
Here is a quick demo, as requested, on how to construct a cell and how flammable the gas is. Hope it explains enough. I have a better video coming but still want to wait till my latest cell is complete.
im planning on making a smaller version of this setup. would i still need ur bubble tube if im going to splice into the “petrol” vacumm tube that goes into the injectors of my car? because there will be no flame or spark on this side of the injector system?
good vid helped alot
what the fuck how old are you?
Whats with the frog?
nice work on your HHO; BROWN’S GAS; watergas generator but it is not the definition of P.E.M.F.C PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANE FUEL CELL
a HYDROGEN FUEL CELL CREATES ELECTRIC CURRENT IN THE PROCESS OF COMBINING HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN INTO WATER, whilst you get a pop flash and water vapor but don’t give up perhaps you can sell it to a grade school science fair contestant surely its worth an honorable mention AlsO try to make more gas with less current imagine the volume of air running through an
great video i discovered this method whilst inventing a fire retardant but whilst i was making my first big batch i smelt smoke my room caught fire and i lost all my data but the small scale lasted 8.34 minutes on a piece of shirt using a 2000 degree Celsius blowtorch im reinventing it now iv been going for 3 months now and im getting close. good work
get all the details here! ecozone(dot)net(dot)nz
Hahahahaah … so, what s the big deal here?? Is just a plastic box with some electrodes in it! This is nothing but a “stupid” electrolysis, which has been already discovered in the 1800s. Maybe in Gringolandia, it is revolutionarily new, hihi, that’s why you can sell this shit there for $4,495.00. The current that is used to fraction the H20 into H2 and O2, comes from the battery, which is charged by the alternator, which is driven by the engine. You waste precious energy. Nothing else! Hahahah
well done
it doesn’t look for me like a hydrogen fuel-cell…
Nice video by the way ( I m always amazed of the stupidity of some comments on youtube )
One question – why using non magnetic? Since you are using metal how can this be? Could you explain?
U are a fucking homosexual!
fantastic work keep it up
Good video,the best I’ve seen so far.
So tell me good people how can you keep the Hydrogen flame going?,Someone will know I’m sure
Your first mistake… this is not a “hydrogen fuel cell” the proper term would be “HHO generator” A Hydrogen fuel cell use the hydrogen to produce energy. the device in this video uses energy to produce hydrogen.
Stupid puppet takes all the credibility away
ur gay!!!! whats up with the frog
alrighty then,lol.come see my fossils,gems,artifacts (indian arrow heads,wooly mammoth, shark,fish teeth )and more that i found myself ,part 1 and 2 and the rest of my little flicks,im jeannie.
The first cars back in the 19th century did use hydrogen and also alcohol as fuel, just as the first diesel engines did run on vegetable oil. Go read some history before commenting.
Why not??? Simply because the coalminers are not creating the energy, they are just mining coal which has the energy already stored within it. HHO is a similar process.
Energy is not being created… it’s already within the Hydrogen. The HHO process is simply extracting the Hydrogen from the water, so it can be burned and the energy can be released… Just like the energy is released from the coal by burning it.
Think of it as “Mining Hydrogen”.
Some people here are making a fundamental mistake when looking at this process. Energy is NOT being created here, so the old rule that says”you can’t get more out than you put in” doesn’t apply. What’s happening here is that energy is being RELEASED. There’s a big differance.
Think of a typical 1000mw coal-fired power station. It will use about 30,000 tons of coal per day, but there is no way that it takes 1000mw of electrical energy each day to mine that coal.
You can’t get more energy than you put in: True
But.. The hydrogen being added to the gasoline helps it burn more efficiently which could increase his gas mileage.
YOU are a moron: open a Science 101 text book.
its impossible to have an output of more energy then what you put into it
if you could we would never have energy problems again as you could have generators running themselves creating endless electricity
annoying low output vague bad science
They are using the excess energy not being used from the alternator.
how is it possibly using more than you put into it?
You can use the energy from the alternator to run your car more efficiently than making HHo??
Its free energy the isnt being takin advantage of what dont you get??
Its so simple.