Roy McAlister and Steven Harris demonstrate a solar fuel cell and electrolyser – from the new Solar Hydrogen Civilization DVD.
Roy McAlister and Steven Harris demonstrate a solar fuel cell and electrolyser – from the new Solar Hydrogen Civilization DVD.
do anyone know where Roy shop is located or how i can get in touch with him.
Has anyone ever build a larger system like this to produce hydrogen for the car.
I want to build one of those and use the hydrogen in a normal combustion engine throught the air intake to improve the milage of my old beater…
Holy Cow! I want it as much for the water purification mechanism as well as the electricity producing capability! No more damn sodium fluoride in the damn water!
Any other idea of yours to run cars and planes when oil is depleted?
100 years, 200?
Some of you have no clue about physics, a battery and motor is 60-80% efficient and an engine is very inefficient. Using precious solar electricity to make hydrogen to burn in a very wasteful engine is just plain stupid.
Using natural gas to run a powerplant to make hydrogen to run in an engine is realy stupid. Just burn the natural gas directly in the engine.
are you stupid?
how can i make this?
i love you a lot.
my hydrogen reactor…
how do you stop the materials from being tarnished?
this is not a waste of energy, this is necessary for making hydrogen which can be a fuel for hybrid cars or hydrogen fuel cars
What a waste of solar energy, just distribute the electricity.
If these guys would learn to use proper nouns and less prepositions, you might be able to figure out what they are talking about…… DUMB!
never mind, I typed it in wrong
That website is no good anymore. What is the new one?
If you can make watter from wind I know how you can make big cash with your invention. How many gallons of gas to make 1 gallon watter please?
How well does this scale? Are there ‘home sized’ units?
Where can I get the little conversion unit that is on either side of the electrolizer?
nice. I won’t fill up natural gas reservoirs with hydrogen, though…