Hydrogen Generator 555 Timer

Hydrogen Generator Ebook Info

www.making-hydrogen.com Video with Questions: Does anyone know how to build a successful Hydrogen Generator with a 555 timer? Specifically with 2 pencils? and a MOSFET IRF510 with a 555 timer? I’m new to this and so far I appear to be getting more hydrogen produced by connecting a battery directly to my 2 pencils. Thanks!

4 thoughts on “Hydrogen Generator 555 Timer

  1. makinghydrogen says:

    Thanks! I’ll check that guy out! I’m new to this. I’ve built a 555 PWM driving a MOSFET IRF510 with parts your can get at Radio Shack quite easily to experiment with. I’ll be making a video this week or the next.

  2. makinghydrogen says:

    Thank you! I’m making a much better 555 timer PWM with a MOSFET IRF510 in the near future. 9.6 Volt(8×1.2 “AA”) – I can’t remember what the Amperage was

  3. thebauerguy says:

    Check out the videos from sirHoax. You will learn a lot from this guy. He seems to be very intelligent.

  4. Fusion8r says:

    I dont know who gave you 1 star, but I liked it. intersting approach with the pencils. what was the V and A when the battery was connected? 5*

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