25 thoughts on “Hydrogen Generator HHO installed and running in Car

  1. longlabia says:

    The red gunk in your generator cell is iron oxide. Even 316L stainless steel corrodes, especially when exposed to electrolysis.

  2. markmil2002 says:

    Your fuse is blowing because current is rising because of waisted voltage. It only takes 1.24 volts in a perfect world to split water, the rest of the voltage will escape as heat into the water unless you contain it, or use it all. The trick is to have either a dry cell, or six separate cells wired in series each with a positive and a negative plate. I use the latter and my current never runs above the starting amperage of 12 amps.

  3. startthefire6 says:

    anyone know how to wires from melting or from blowing fuse after fuse after fuse? ive got a generator all set to go, 2 gen into 1 bubbler setup and have been using a car battery charger and if i add too much baking soda the amp pull goes thru the roof and the charger kicks off, should i just test and see? we need a good forums site or sumthin.

  4. mfastasfastcanb says:

    Am certified master mechanic and very new to HHO. Help u w/O2 reading.Take readings of O2 without HHO you will have norm for system.Use full warm engine and even load = prefered for system. Diconnect O2 and run same test reading output of O2 sensor w/HHO.Keep route small.Now a system to mod sensor reading to computer by difference in readings. Add resistor to lower volt or aditional volt supply to increase it. Have computer get same input with HHO as without and still adjust w/load.

  5. d3adp001 says:

    any data on the O2 sensor change? and if you are looking to power an engine off hho, then you need to learn some stuff about eff. The question is a rate produced vs rate consumed one, eff. is everything.

  6. boygenis says:

    yess, you are suppose to add voltage to its reading because HHO gas makes alot of oxygen which lowers voltage made by oxygen sensor.

    every car manufacturer has a different o2 sensor and some are more sensative than the other. my cars o2 sensor is super snesative…

  7. GamerGuy51 says:

    water is NOT a fuel idiots…its called the laws of thermodynamics…look it up…btw stan meyers was a scam artist

  8. cabamarin says:

    hello y am from romania , and y really wannna talk about this sistem whit you can you send me an telephone number to call you and talk about it? y wanna make a think like you did but doo not know how whould you help me please?

  9. sicfikit says:

    sicfikit, very good job all thing must be very
    simlpe make a stove burner first control the
    measurement of out put gas try practical project and learn from them.

  10. ninjracer says:

    Take A look at what Stanley Meyers did , he has pattens on all of his work and acomplshed a dune buggy running completely on water. he was offered millions refused and got himself killed.he got it all working by adding high frequency to the water

  11. Boomer1949 says:

    I’ve been looking all over the internet this morning for a video of someone who has demonstrated the installation of the HHO system, yours is the first I’ve found. Also the comments have given me a good idea of the value to adding such a system to my truck. Increasing your MPG is impressive but apparently the draw on your battery is a problem. A simpler design just to increase MPG probably wouldn’t be a deterrent in my case with the motor running.

  12. jimmyturismo says:

    Seriously, do you have any experience with this technology. Point One: Engine tuners, for years, have been struggling with one problem- How to burn fuel more efficiently. Forced induction, head design, and injection points are all efforts to improve the efficiency of the burn rate of the fuel. We have known for a while now that NoS (nitrous oxide)works great for increasing the burn rate of fuel. HHO is the same concept. We are simply enabling the existing fuel to burn more efficiently.

  13. wizzfizz2008 says:

    well done boygenus. sounds like you have some good ideas rollin around in your melon,(head!). all the best in getting it sorted and l hope you are one of the first to get your vehicle to run and keep running on HHO.

  14. wolfey2k says:

    You know, late model Ford’s as far as I know, perhaps GM and Chryslers too, have the new so called learning computers in them now. Theoretically one could install an HHO system, reset the computer and it will learn to live with the HHO and give you better gas mileage etc. Would be worth a try. The guy with the 94 Taurus 3.0 must have bad O2 sensors for his claims to even be correct much less true. And who ever said that HHO isn’t a gas is an idiot IMO because HHO stands for H2+O! Cool video man!

  15. gregfl says:

    Its worse then that..you end up in the hole as it will take more gasoline than you net in hydrogen/oxygen, or it will take more electricity to charge the battery then you gain if you use a battery out of the loop. In fact, no matter how you provide power to the electrolysis system you are losing energy. this is a brute fact. great experiment tho, and you did a real good job on the video. Now, run from these free energy con websites!

  16. gregfl says:

    Now, in reality your system isn’t putting a drag on the motor because it isn’t in the ‘loop’. Rather, it is requiring you to put energy into the system via the battery, and then the result is less energy then you put in. If you put it in the loop, you will burn more gasoline. (all things being equal such as tuning, etc.) You cannot net more energy then you put in as this violates basic physics laws, and electrolysis by its nature is very inefficient. You can’t win this battle. Sorry.

  17. gregfl says:

    So, what happens is that you run the battery that runs the electrolysis machine. This produces less energy then is stored in the battery. Now you either have to 1) charge the battery with an ac charger or 2) charge the batter with the car. Either way the net result is a loss in energy, not gain. But, if you live with your parents, and use their electricity, you may be onto something. lol. In the future try to avoid free energy websites..they are all based on faulty science and con artists.

  18. gregfl says:

    actually, you aren’t making anything. You are seperating h20 into hydrogen and oxygen, and doing it by a very inefficient method. There is no such thing as hho gas but rather hydrogen and oxygen gasses…I suggest you get off the free energy sites and consult a scientist. this system creates an additional drag on the motor. Sorry, but on the bright side you really put some nice work into it!

  19. gregfl says:

    thoughtfull job. Now lets talk about it a minute. First the “upgraded fan” puts drag on the motor which causes the motor to generate heat and demand more gas. Second, the battery is providing more energy then the gas you are producing. Unfortunately, your well thought out installation has resulted in you using more gas now, not less. Electrolysis like this is about 20 percent efficient meaning it is costing you energy (gasoline) to make the hydrogen/oxygen by electrolysis. this is a con

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