This hydrogen generator only draws 4 amps at 11 volts and has an electronic gas controller that controls the amount of gas the generator produces. This unit is designed for vehicle use not kitchen counter tops or tables. BMW Hydrogen 7.
This hydrogen generator only draws 4 amps at 11 volts and has an electronic gas controller that controls the amount of gas the generator produces. This unit is designed for vehicle use not kitchen counter tops or tables. BMW Hydrogen 7.
I wear the gloves so that I can keep sweat secretions from my hands off the plates and to create a sterile environment for experimentation. Just an added measure I wanted to take so I can guarantee myself the same results every time. Thanks for the question.
just a quick question if its just plain water and salt why are you wearing protective gloves?
I say go for it, if you can accomplish that it will be fantastic feat.
My ’91 Honda accord has 300,000 miles on it & still going strong/ considering a hydrogen add- on.. they say it will make my car last longer.. think I’ll shoot for 1,000,000!
oh sweet. Thanks!
I am NOT getting the 19/22 mpg my 96TL is supposed to be getting. Haha.
$10 a day soon adds up.
Can’t wait.
I am currently working on a video on how to build the unit. I will let you know when it is finished. Thanks for the compliment.
Wow. This is such an INGENIOUS design!
Do you happen to have the schematic?
Thanks for the reply Chevey but I am doing something totally different from what the other 250,000 hydrogen experimenters are doing on here. If you don’t see anything that interest you than please move on to the next video, there are plenty of videos where people are filling up balloons and air beds at lightning speeds. My type of work is not for your eyes.
Holy COW THAT CELL aint putting out anything!!!Good video but shit man make an impressive cell thats going to do some good!! the only reason that people are putting those o2 sensors adjusters on there car is to make them feel better cause their cell didnt work cause it doesnt put out ANYTHING TO SUPPLY A FREEKIN 90 to 400 HP ENGINE! DAMN people get with it quit being blind!! it aint to good to be true!! We are getting there!! BUT we need to make a cell that puts out LPM with low voltage/AMPS.!!
Hello Residentaid, if I told you the mpg I am getting now you wouldn’t believe it. Some people have underestimated the power of hydrogen and tend to inject far to much into their engines. Oxygen sensors detect oxygen not hydrogen this is why too much production of oxygen along with hydrogen is not good. Aftermarket air filters are also a no no when using hydrogen because extra oxygen will be detected. I will be making tutorial videos which I will make available to you and anyone who emails me.
Hi I think your system seems Logical! if you burn all the gas that the car is wasting, with the hydrogen it should get beter gas milage,But how much better gas milage is your car getting? And I like the fact that you did not mess with the fuel mixture, all it takes is to lean out the fuel mixture to much and it will ruin your motor,and you have saved nothing! that is why I have not put one in my car yet! Hay do you sale those fluctuating voltage-Amp controlers that you make & how much? thanks!
Hi, I am not getting into the liter per minute contest that seems to be the thing here on youtube. Unless you are running your car 100% on hydrogen there is no need to pump large amounts of hydrogen into your engine that will never yield the same results day after day due to ever changing conditions in outside air and cell. Think outside the box and don’t do what you see other people doing or you will be at your desk video after video and never have a unit fit to go under the hood of a car.
I am using an adjustable pulse controller of my own design to fluctuate a relay at high speeds to control voltage and amps. The relay is much more reliable than a power mosfet because it generates no heat unlike PWM’s and can be mounted anywhere under the hood while the controller is located in the glove box. The only moving part is a inexpensive relay that can be changed with ease should it ever fail unlike PWM’s that would require component replacement which would be a very costly job. Thanks.
Can you tell us how mutch l/min it get?
what are you using to pulse the system with?