i need to make a battery powered car to test with a hydrogen fuel cell car for the science fair coming up on june 16th and i need the steps on building a battery powered car. i need a step by step process in building this car.
How much does it cost Honda to produce the FCX Clarity?
The FCX is Hondas hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. They will start leasing it for 0/month this summer. My question is, how much does it cost to manufacture the vehicle? They must be providing some pretty serious subsidies…
E85 fuel car (4 questions)?
1.Other than these marks, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Isuzu, Mazda, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan, are any other comapanies such as Subaru planning to make e85?
2. How is e85 made. What is it made out of other than corn?
3.Are there any pros and cons about e85?
4.Like the hydrogen fuel cell car can i make home made e85? Can i make a mini car and test?
Hydrogen-powered jet planes?
Background information:
1. Space shuttle's main engines (not the boosters) are hydrogen-powered.
2. There are (experimental) hydrogen-powered cars which actually burn hydrogen instead of gasoline (I'm not talking fuel cells, but hydrogen-based combustion engines!).
Considering that, would it be possible to have jet planes using hydrogen instead of kerosene? Would the re-design costs for the engines be prohibitively high? Would keeping the hydrogen liquid be too expensive at the airports and maybe impossible in the plane tanks? Would it be too dangerous, because of hydrogen's high inflammability?
If not, why is no-one working on that? Why is there development on cleaner cars, but not airplanes?
Why do people have a problem with Hybrid or Pure Electric vehicles?
I don't see why we can't see that sometime in the near future we as americans are going to have to find another source of fuel but it seems that to most Americans Gas is it and they don't see any other alternative.
Look people these Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that the auto company's are showing you are a bunch of crap. Just as easy as you can make a Hydrogen Car you can develop an electric car because basically a hydrogen car is an electric car they just use hydrogen (FUEL) to make electricity instead of Batteries
Somebody had asked a question about what to do with hybrid batteries when we replace them. I don't know what do we do with the million plus Cell phone batteries and Laptop batteries that are all over the world ohh yeah we recyle them.You see the same batteries that power your laptop and you cell phone can power your car ohh and power your home through your electric vehicle if you have a VEHICLE TO GRID charging setup . You People need to wake up!
What are hydrogen or hydrogen cell (I don’t even know the term=/!!) fueled cars? What’s the difference between
…that and oil fueled cars?
Are these plans to build a water to hydrogen converter for your car, saving %50 in gas, a scam?
One site http://ezinearticles.com/?Build-Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell-Car—Is-Water-4-Gas-a-Scam?&id=990753
HOME MADE hydrogen fuel ?
many people are currntly using crude home made hydrogen fuel in thier fuel injected engines.
Do you suppose they are causing greater fiscal damage that the benifits of thier 'fuel cells' are unable to counteract?
Why Hydrogen when we have Electric?
Why are we spending billions to develop Hydrogen fuel cell cars, which is a big unknown, when we have the technology to develop better and more effiecient Electric cars? Zero emissions car available, TODAY! Tesla motor was able to make a car to go 250 miles on a single charge. Image the possiblities if we invested further money into the technology and rid ourselves of the dependency of foreign oil. Energy concerns can also be addressed with new developments from solar, wind and water sources. With Hydrogen cars you are dealing with unknowns and there's no way of telling when they would be ready for production. Even when it is ready, how are people going to get the hydrogen fuel. I'm sure the big oil companies will be more than happy to control the distribution on that as well.
What about alternate fuel sources for airplanes, trucks, etc?
So all this research that is going into hydrogen fuel cells, hybrid technology, and other alternate energy sources for automobiles, is there any corresponding research for airplanes or trucks, or other such things that require huge amounts of fuel, whether it is jet fuel or diesel fuel?