19 thoughts on “X2 HHO Generator Fireworks

  1. rhblakeman says:

    I use nature’s distilled water with the Roebic – rain water collected off the gutters. Tried it with bottled distilled and rain water and same effects, rain is free.

  2. rhblakeman says:

    Baking soda was tripping my 30 amp breaker (the hell with fuses, they are one time use, breakers reset and you can rig a lamp to let you know it’s tripping). Went to 1/4 tsp Roebic in a gallon of water and everything works sweet and no brown gunk.

  3. rhblakeman says:

    I’ve used baking soda and had nothing but brown water. rinsed and used the Roebic and not a trace with the old cell or with a totally brand new one. Runs cooler, better prduction and less amps in a saturated cell. Of course a little more dangerous to handle the chemical but they all leave a chromium residue when used up.

  4. pj0n says:


  5. miked826 says:

    Baking soda is a waste of time. Check out websites that sell HHO. They specifically tell you not to use baking soda for the very reason Flipster12000 stated above. Dont get me wrong Im a big fan of baking soda just not in my HHO Gen.
    The thing about Japanese cars is that they are very effecient at cramming as much engine into as little an engine bay as possible. Bad if you trying to fit something that they didnt have in mind when they made the car. Your HHO Gen is three times the size of mine.

  6. delvis11 says:

    baking soda and KOh work the same way with baking soda being safe to use. your heat problem is because your voltage between the plate is too high. throw in some neutral plates to get the voltage down. will draw less amps and stay cooler plus produce about the same. check out my video’s

  7. miked826 says:

    Fascinating. I know I need at least an ammeter and a temp gauge connected to it so I dont need to keep looking under the hood all the time. So baking soda is great for lighting hho bubbles in you kitchen and taking short short trips in your car and thats about it. Thanks for the info. You saved me a lot of car fuses, because I’ve blown out a few.

  8. flipster12000 says:

    Using baking soda, your amperage will go up and up and up and up until it melts your terminals and potentially blow up your cell. If you use sodium hydroxide, your amperage will rise to about 250 percent of your cold starting amperage when it reaches its max temp. It will then level out and stop rising. But not with baking soda for some reason.

  9. miked826 says:

    KOH doesnt need to be replaced into the water nearly as often. Sodium Bicarbonate breaks down or evaporates and your left with no electrolyte where as KOH doesnt for at least a month or longer. Permanently connecting a car amp gauge to your HHO generator will let you know when to replace the electrolyte as the amp draw will slowly decline over time. No amps equals no hydrogen.

  10. miked826 says:

    got 25MPG on a 50 mile run with Hydrogen, also using Acetone/Xylene mix in the cars gas tank and with the cars spare tire and spare weight removed. Somewhere on that run, I blew out a 20 amp fuse so it quit working. I normally got 13MPG before I made all those changes. That is city driving MPG on a 1994 Nissan Altima with 134,000 miles on it.

  11. miked826 says:

    One thing I noticed is that distilled water provides a much bigger and louder bang than tap water does. Also the water and the plates in the generator stay clean.

  12. MadStu1978 says:

    I like the fireworks! I’ll soon be doing a.. err.. “Potency test” shall we call it? All in the name of science of course!

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