It seems that the much touted hydrogen fuel cell won't be the savior that we once thought. It costs a lot of money to manufacture hydrogen, and it requires burning coal, which creates pollution (at the factory, not in the car), plus they can't store enough energy to make the car go over 50 mph. So what are we left with? Electric cars have same problem-storage batteries aren't sufficient to power a car for long periods of time. Solar power seems impractical (what if it's cloudy or raining?) and anti-matter is so expensive to produce it's nothing more than a pipe dream. So what will we use to power our cars in the future? Magnetic levitation? Nuclear fusion? Some technology on the drawing boards we haven't seen yet?
Author: admin
2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid System
Detroit Prius Connection- The unveiling of the 2010 3rd Generation Toyota Prius exclusively for the Toyota Prius Fans. Thank you Toyota for a great event !!!
hydrogen generator HHO flash back killer/ arrestor
My new flash killer arrestor, model # HHN-FK. Is 4″ in length and work perfect for hydrogen generators that can produce up to two litter / min.
Maynex Hydrogen Generator
Maynex Hydrogen Generator is 100% Stainless Steel and can be connected to any vehicle in less than 10 minutes. Gas saving is up to 20% per unit and 80% for a 4-pack. Don’t let the oil industry trick you into staying addicted to oil.
Which Harley Davidson motorcycle uses Flex Fuel?
Does anyone know if Harley Davidson has a motorcycle that uses flex fuel or ethanol? I live to ride and ride to live but I care about the environment as well.
I am also looking into using a hydrogen fuel cell but would need to figure out how to use a gyroscopes to stay upright.
Any ideas?
What type of fuel will be best for car companies?
Which route will give the auto industry its best chance of survival as the gasoline supply starts to dry up: hybrids, natural gas, hydrogen, fuel cells, electricor steam?
Who is making hydrogen fuels cell for BMW?
What about alternative fuel motorcycles?
Would you be interested in bikes that run on E85?
What about one that runs on biodiesel?
What about one that runs on a hydrogen fuel cell?
What about electric or other than can be fueled with solar?
Or will you ride gasoline and only gasoline bikes?
Do Europeans believe in the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen hype?
Does anybody else think Hydrogen fuel cells would make a good alternitive fule?
Eventually the Earth WILL run out of oil.
I thought this was the century of high tech,and high IQS'?
I guess that only refers to cell phones and Ipds or maybe plasma T.V.s