What do you think the fuels of the future are or gonna be?
I think Fuel Cells Could Work,i read this some where on how it works. The fuel cells join with hydrogen atoms and create H2O=Water. We all Know Water is something we can drink, so next time your thirsty for something to drink, just pull over and put a cup under the tail pipe!
You got yourself some fresh made water!!
I also have read about hybrids. It's more fuel effciant,but still polluetes the air right?
Link To See How Hybrids Work:
Fuels in the short term seem to be headed towards biomass produced, either corn oil derivatives, which involves no bacterial phase or large amounts of water, so is far mor efficient, or fuel blends of ethanol 85% and regular fuel. Ethanol requires a fermentation process involving corn, lots of water, and bacteria. The processing cost is higher than crushing the corn and filtering out the oil, with perhaps some desulpurization if necessary.
Hydrogen is a longshot because it is so costly to produce. If you use electricity, there is no power plant or infrastructure that could produce enough power to use electrolysis to produce enough cubic feet of H2 to use for transportation. H2 can be derived from cracking hydrocarbons with steam and catalysts, but you are still attached to the dwindling supplies of oil.
Europe seems to utilize nuclear power somewhat effectively without producing a huge tonnage of nuclear waste. Why that cannot happen here in the states is beyond me.
Until the powers that be create a better power PRODUCTION, we are screwed, and the fuel is irrelevant. With countries like china and others upgrading their lifestyles, the world's consumption of oil and coal are increasing exponentially. I don't think we can nuclearize enough to meet the demand. We need a completely new idea. Wind and solar panels won't cut it either. They don't have the energy densities required to fill the world appetite for energy.