25 thoughts on “General Motors – Sequal – Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car

  1. tdem36 says:

    these hydrogen cars will never work becouse buying hydrogen is expensive. The best solution is water powered cars that make hydrogen from water by electrolesys.

  2. johnwcaldwell says:

    You raise an interesting question. If you used a quart of hydrogen to power a machine that produced hydrogen, how much hydrogen would it produce. Isnt there some law of physics that says you cant get more out than what you put in, or something like that?

  3. conotoxin says:

    A smarter technology for cars is compressed air. Unlike batteries & fuel cells, the power capacity/output of compressed air cylinders does not drop with time. They are simple and cheap to manufacture & do not need any additional infrastructure (no hydrogen fuel stations). Simply put an air compressor at every “gas” station, 3 minutes to “refuel.”

    100 miles between “refuelings” covers the average driver’s daily demands easily, and the car can be “refueled” at home overnight.

  4. conotoxin says:

    Trust me, I am all about developing new techonolgies, the the statement “no more global warming” is pie in the sky. Where is the energy coming from for the initial electrolysis? The energy to build the vehicles, refine the metals, etc?

    The FCVs are end-techs. We need to be working on the source techs (wave/tide nrg, better/more ubiquitous wind-farms, solar farms, solar cells on rooftops).

    Not to mention worldwide population reduction.

  5. johnwcaldwell says:

    Many companies will make hydrogen, it’s easy. The price of the car will come down, and soon the hydrogen fuel cell will be powering our homes and businesses as well. No more electrical power utility companies, no more global warming. See the future guys — it’s here, it just hasn’t happened yet!

  6. michigancrazed25 says:

    they would be producing these cars,but you have to understand how long it would take,and thats why general motors is putting a big effort into alternative fuel cars.Thier taking a big step into this,they actually care about doing good,other then ford.

  7. Scoti45 says:

    What about Quantum fuel systems on the Nasdaq.
    While the world talks about hydrogen cars they
    teamed with GM and are building them! I invested in them hydrogen is the way of the future!

  8. rocketman50 says:

    GM Sucks. They have No Intension Of Producing This CAR. Look At The EV-1 Its Was Crushed. This Is Just A Song And Dance. GM Wants You To BUY OIL OIL OIL. You Would Think GM Would WAKE UP After Posting a 15.5 Billion Dollar Loss In The Second Quater Of This Year.

  9. Salladsdressing says:

    These cars would already be on the road and we would have hydrogen fueling stations everywhere if we had put as much money into this as we did put into the FUCKING KYOTO IDIOT PROTOCOL!!

  10. trylonperisphere says:

    I recently heard of the EEstor alternative battery technology. According to wikipedia “a five-minute charge should give the capacitor sufficient energy to drive a small car 300 miles.” I believe they will be used in the ZENN (electric car).

  11. hasatum says:


    I hate to post so much, but I couldn’t resist. The Tesla is available NOW and it looks badass. It’s pricy, but a more affordable model will be out in 2010 an even cheaper one in probably 2012.

  12. hasatum says:


    This argument is bogus. The Tesla goes 200 miles on a charge and out-performs a Ferrari with only two gears. New batteries are being developed that will exponentially increase that range and performance.

    By comparison, fuel cells are heavy, complex, expensive, require exotic materials,and for the foreseeable future, FOSSIL FUELS. In other words, there is no real comparison.

    Electric cars will out-compete fuel cells if they aren’t killed off by big business/government.

  13. hasatum says:

    The Tesla’s batteries are recyclable. We shouldn’t blind ourselves to other ideas, but we shouldn’t be afraid to discuss them either. I’m discussing fuel cells: they’re a bad idea.

    When confronted, I always hear corps say, “Let them compete, see which is best.” What they really mean is “We don’t have an argument and we can’t compete, so don’t talk about it or we won’t get government funding.”

    If they could compete, then they wouldn’t need to bother telling us to shut up.

  14. starview1 says:

    The good news too is that it won’t look like a toy like prius.
    The chevy volt is set for availability in 2010
    and good to go

  15. trylonperisphere says:

    horizonfuelcell (dot) com has fuel cell machines for sale. Heck, they even have complete solar cell, hydrogen extraction, and toy cars that run on hydrogen. See any of the h-racer videos on youtube

  16. trylonperisphere says:

    Because batteries need to be replaced after several years and the old batteries become waste. Don’t get me wrong, electric cars like the Tesla roadster are pretty freaking awesome. Let’s not blind ourselves to other ideas.

  17. lee5537 says:

    battery cars r fine for local trips as long as your world isn’t far from home.Fuel cell cars make more sense for longer trips.They would only need a 3 min. fill.Compared to battery cars and at least a 4 hr. charge,and a long wait time for your turn at the charger.So if you r going on say a 500 mile trip the fuel cell car would get there much sooner than a battery car.

  18. hasatum says:

    Why bother with hydrogen? Really? Electricity can be produced in a million different ways, hydrogen is merely a way to store it. We’ve got batteries that are much better at storage that do not require us to replace one fossil fuel for another. Oil companies are already buying up all of the easy supplies of hydrogen. Are you surprised? Not me. Google Tesla Motors if you want to see a real car.

  19. dillj34555 says:

    The problem with Stan Meyers machine isn’t that it’s being surpressed or that it doesn’t work (i can’t say with any certainty that it doesn’t without having the machine at my fingertips to test and probe and measure) but that people don’t trust it, it sonds like a pipe dream. Everything I know about the laws of physics says that the energy you get from it should not be more than the energy being put into it.

  20. makitaman2004 says:

    i can make hydrogen now theres no need for hydrogen stations. the way to do this is to learn how stan meyer made the water splitter plug. he had the perfect setup till the tirants murdered him. dont wait for companies to make it for you. for under 75 bucks you can make a hydrogen cell that averages 30 to 40 percent increase in mileage.

  21. antiochblade says:

    This is a propaganda film for G.M. thats to little to late .
    You watch , G.M. will be asking for billions in bailout money to save their corporation . And guess who gets to pay ? The people….again . Wake up people ! Your getting screwed and told that in the end Americans will appreciate what we (Congress) are doing for America . Americans have been lied to so corporations could make hundreds of BILLIONS in profits at our expense ! Boycot American auto makers until they move back home !

  22. antiochblade says:

    Americans have stood by the big three automakers for 40 years . When a plant was shut down and moved we were told that is was necessary for the survival of the corporation . We were told this over and over and over . Plant after plant was shut down and moved to Canada , Mexico and other countries . Im tired of being loyal to corporations that screw over Americans for a buck . Most major Corporations have screwed Americans over again and again for the almighty dollar . LET THEM GO BANKRUPT !

  23. dillj34555 says:

    The greatest challenge for fuel cells is not the technology but the infrustructure. Hydrogen needs to be comercially available before you can have a widespread use of hydrogen fuel cell cars. Getting all that hydrogen in the first place is another big challenge.

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