20 thoughts on “Geraldo Rivera discusses Ford’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicle

  1. staphinfection says:

    Fine and dandy EXCEPT these cars would probably cost $100,000+ which totally defeats the purpose of saving money on gas.

    Yeah, it would be nice if every car was pollution-free, BUT THEY NEED TO BE AFFORDABLE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC, not just the elite bastards. People care more about saving money than they do about saving the environment…. it’s sad but totally true. I’m all for jacking up gas prices to $30 per gallon. Only then will people REALLY demand alternate sources for transportation.

  2. llojaw says:

    I love it hydrogen car wow I must be dremming.
    I love it oil companies greedy bastard watch this video is free.

  3. nysp2007 says:

    Diesel engine can not run on hydrogen the fuel cell is what is used to separate the hydrogen cells which a diesel engine does not have. It would be nice if it could but it doesn’t.

  4. lee5537 says:

    Jimmy Cline has converted his 1994 escort to run on hydrogen on demand.You don’t need any fueling stations,or storage tanks.Just add water to the fuel cell and the piston engine runs on the hydrogen has it is produced.He did 100 miles on just 4 ounces of water.So u see the auto makers and the oil company’s still want us tied to the old system. Fill it up please..

  5. mwcdx says:

    And what they also left out was that you dont need to pull up to the pump to fill your car with HHO.This is to keep the fossil fools(OIL COMPANIES)Happy.You see people what they dont want you to know is our own government has been using this technology for over 50 years in there so called secret underground Facilities,Space station and subs.And in the name of National Security they dont even have to answer to know one.This is a crime against the American People and humanity.

  6. mwcdx says:

    Who the fuck your kidding with this distortion of the truth. This technology has been around for over 50 years and DOZENS of people were murdered in the name of Clean Cheap fuel. I personally have been building HHO fuel cells for years under the suppression of my own government. And without the support of any Car CARTEL MANUFACTURE.What they forgot to mention was its so cheap too produce HHO that the Oil and Car Manufactures along with our own government were working hand and to suppress it.

  7. futbolkook says:

    Hydrogen exites me, especially when it can do this. My favorite part of this video is the beginning, though, where it says “2007 mph”.

  8. theflea021 says:

    “I’ts better to be quiet and be thought of as a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

  9. JosephMelia says:

    Inspiring,hopefully the future will not be shaped by the ruthlessness of the oil companies.
    Come on Ford,reinvent the world.

  10. says:

    I couldn’t understand some parts of this article, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.

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