finally finished after a month of hard work, if anyone has any suggestions on how to better it comment and let me know thanks for watching
Hydrogen Generator
PLEASE use caution if you attempt to build this generator for yourself. This generator creates an EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE GAS.
DO NOT USE SALT in your water. Many people use salt to add some electrolytic properties to the water, but salt is “Sodium Chloride” and will cause the production of “Chlorine gas” in very small amounts. Whatever you use, always operate this device in a well ventilated area.
And NEVER attempt to light the gas as it comes directly out of the tube. The flame WILL travel down the tube and cause the generator to explode. Use extreme caution. ALWAYS use a “Bubbler” to isolate the gas from the generator.
I am working on a “flame arrestor” but I have not got it completely worked out yet.
This is a hydrogen generator that is easy to build using stainless steel plates which are much more efficient than regular steel. It is also much cleaner.
Remember to be safe!!!
Hydrogen Conversion Kit – HHO Generator – How To Build Make
Click Here To Get Water4gas and water fuel cell!
Hydrogen Conversion Kit – HHO Generator – How To Build Make
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Hydrogen Conversion Kit – HHO Generator – How To Build Make
Water Fuel Car – Water 4 Gas
Click Here To Get Water4gas and water fuel cell!
Drive on water – save your money. water4gas – hydrogen hho
Residential Water Fuel Cell Energy System (1 of 2)
A conceptual model of a very efficient (possibly over-unity) energy system for the home. At its base, is the water fuel cell, which acts as both a high-efficiency water electrolyzer using no catalysts, but acts also as a fuel cell, when combined with the Electron Extraction Circuit (EEC). In this combination, the water fuel cell produces an electrical current by extracting the free electrons that are thrown off once the hydrogen & oxygen atoms are broken from the covelant bonds of the two H atoms. Both a charged gas, called HHO (or hydroxy gas), and an electrical current are produced with the water fuel cell. The HHO gas is a fully combustible compound that is perfect for combustion applications. Most internal combustion engines can be modified to burn it, however I chose the quasiturbine in this design, because if it’s efficiency & simplicity. I left out a compressor aft the water fuel cell, as the quasiturbine must run on compressed gas or other fuel, such as steam. The rest of the schematic is modular, and I imagine the alternator could be 350 KW, if powered by a 5L, 500 HP Quasiturbine, which should run well on the water fuel cell running in a continuous closed loop mode. The water supply would occasionally be replenished by tap water, or the system could operate using grey water. In addition, the water fuel cell can be used as a water purifier.
More here:
For those who are developing their own clean energy and zero-point energy systems, or for those who would like to be involved with this promotion, please visit:
Better hydrongen production compared to my other experimental electrode. Smaller tube is 1/4″x 4″ and bigger tube is 1/2″ grade 316 Stainless steel wall 1/32″ thick.
consumed 13vdc 1.6amp, container diameter= 3″ the disc rings holding the tube are 2″ dia.
will install this unit into my car and step up the voltage to 200vdc
Hydrogen Fuel HHO Cell High Amperage Testing Method (Shunt)
This is our homemade shunt for running higher amperage tests in combination with our hho-cell. Everything here can be store bought at Home-Depot, Lowes, or just about any hardware store.
It is a hacksaw blade being used as a ‘shunt’ to measure amperage through our hho-cell. This in-fact will give us the ability to measure much higher amperage through our sensitive test equipment. The shape of the blade also gives great advantages for cooling with a heavier load.
Multimeter Reading:
About 0.1V at 5A for sensing
You might have to calibrate your own figures based on different style and/or manufactured hacksaw blades.
Best method for calibration would be to take something of known Wattage. We used a 12V-50Watt Bulb, and used that for verifying the output in millivolts. Works really well if you ask me. Hope this helps someone out there make their tests that much more viable.
Thanks for viewing my videos..
Regards, sirHOAX
HHO Generator 5v @ 22.0 Amps
9 Tube generator peowered by an ATX power supply.
Hydrogen Generator “O2 Sensor Wrap”
Installing a heat shield around the O2 sensor to increase fuel economy.